Foam Roller Exercises for Back Pain in Wilmette IL: Are They Safe?

Foam Roller Exercises for back pain in Wilmette IL: Are they Safe?

Foam Roller Exercises for Back Pain in Wilmette IL: Are They Safe?

Have you ever heard of foam roller exercises? Many people who visit our Wilmette IL upper cervical chiropractor ask if they can complement their chiropractic adjustments with foam roller exercises. If you wonder how these exercises work and if they’re safe enough for your back, we suggest going through our discussion. Hopefully, by understanding how foam rolling works, you can determine how to manage your back pain better.


Anyone who frequently hits the gym is familiar with foam rolling exercises. Essentially, foam rolling helps relieve stress in the body. The kneading action releases tension buildup in the muscles. Studies also note several potential benefits of this self-massage technique, including:

  • Alleviating soreness and inflammation
  • Boosting muscle recovery rate
  • Improving blood flow, especially to the muscles, fascia, and connective tissues
  • Promoting brain and body relaxation
  • Increasing range of motion by enhancing muscle and joint flexibility
  • Fitness trainers insist that it works excellently for people who frequently spend hours sitting. It is also helpful for people with poor posture and joint issues.


Because of the numerous benefits of foam rolling, many automatically assume that it is a safe option for people with back pain. However, studies have mixed opinions on this matter. Some studies claim foam rolling can hurt the lumbar spine, especially if you do it incorrectly. This puts further pressure on the spine and causes mild to severe pain.

Additionally, foam rolling is a slow myofascial release technique. So it requires slow and low load dragging on the skin to ease the muscles. It’s not meant to be done quickly, as it defeats the technique’s purpose.

Sadly, many people who perform foam rolling tend to do it too fast because of the temporary relief they experience right after the foam touches the sensitive or tender sections of their back. This increases the risks of lingering back pain as well as mobility problems.


Needless to say, you must follow the proper form and technique to ensure that you thoroughly enjoy the perks of foam rolling for back pain relief. Some of the things you must remember when doing this exercise routine include the following:

  • Pinpoint the most painful parts so you can plan your routine accordingly
  • Familiarize yourself with the different exercises used in this technique
  • Heed the advice of your Wilmette IL chiropractor, fitness trainer, and physical therapist
  • Avoid applying excessive pressure on the lumbar spine, except when you have instructions from your healthcare provider
  • Aim to rock back and forth as slowly as possible to help your body ease into each new position
  • Align your spine correctly to prevent further damage to your nerve roots

It’s also good practice to listen to your body after each foam rolling session you undergo. This will help you modify your workout and determine what you might need to do so you can help your body heal and recover. And, as you keep tabs on your progress, you can provide helpful insights to your Wilmette IL chiropractor, physical therapist, or doctor.


Now that you have a clearer idea of how foam rolling works and what precautions you must take, we strongly suggest exploring Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Essentially, by consulting with a Wilmette IL upper cervical chiropractor, you can help fix posture issues contributing to your back pain.

Some back pain cases stem from misaligned C1 and C2 bones. Even the slightest change in the structural alignment of the topmost neck bones can tug on your muscles and joints and compromise your spine. This can lead to chronic back pain that can worsen with time.

Thankfully, you can potentially correct the issue with the help of upper cervical care. A quick consultation with our upper cervical chiropractic doctor, Dr. Alex Halstead, can help you check how far your bones have shifted. Book a consultation to Atlas Upper Cervical Chiropractic through our contact form.

8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

By Appointment Only

8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

By Appointment Only

Saturday & Sunday

Atlas Upper Cervical Chiropractic

402 Linden Ave
Wilmette, IL 60091

(847) 920-4506